When something is realized it means that it has been made to be real. For instance, someone might realize their dream of becoming an author. This does not mean that they suddenly wake up and recognize that they think they would like to be an author. It does mean that they make this dream come true. They ‘realize’ their dream. By writing and publishing a book, they realize, or make real, the notion of becoming an author.
When we think of it this way, the word ‘realize’ has great power. It reminds us that we are not simply pawns in this big game of LIFE. It reminds us that life is not made up of a series of ‘Aha’ moments that sneak up on us. It reminds us that if we want to look back on our lives having accomplished certain things, then it is us who is responsible for making them happen. It is us who must realize what we hope to accomplish in this life.
Once I understood this concept, it became less easy for me to leave my fate to others. I knew that the results I wanted in my life could only be realized by me. In some ways, I do not like knowing this definition. It puts the responsibility for my life firmly on my shoulders. It forces me to face the idea that when things have not turned out how I wished they had, that I have had some part in the ‘realization’ of those things. On the other hand, when I look back over the years of my life, the things that I am most proud of are those that I have realized. Not those that have been handed to me by others.
About 15 or so years ago I took part in a leadership course. During that course we were asked to write a list of goals and dreams. Today, this would be called a Bucket List. I still have that list but I do not regularly read it. However, I did read it this week and I noticed how many of the 81 things on that list I have managed to realize. In fact, as you are reading this, I am realizing #31- Bike the Kettle Valley Rail Trail. I also noticed that #63 is to Create and Facilitate Workshops (this was long before my Life Coaching Days) and that #47 is See Polar Bears in the Wild (November, 2015). Apparently this writing down thing has some merit!
This week, my challenge for you is twofold. Part one is to think about the things that you have managed to realize in your life. Part two is to make a list of those things that you have yet to realize. You’ll be amazed that by simply thinking about what this word can mean, you will feel empowered to accomplish your dreams.