No, I do not need more lip gloss.
However, recently, I did have a wonderful appointment with my friend Carol Thompson. Carol taught across the hall from me for one year when she was filling in for a maternity leave. After that, needing to make some money, she attended a meeting about selling Mary Kay Cosmetics. Flash forward 6 years. Carol is now an Executive Senior Sales Director at Mary Kay Canada. I have been following her on FaceBook and I talked to her about a recent ‘push’ she had with her business where she was trying to reach a certain goal. To do this she had posted that she only needed to sell 473 more lip glosses (or the equivalent) to reach her goal. I, who had never ever purchased anything from Carol, bought two. It was so exciting to watch her get closer and closer and I knew that this was a very simple thing that I could do. Carol easily reached that goal. Since then, she has earned trips to the UK and to the USA. And I believe that right now she is only 14 470 lip glosses away from a trip to Rome and Venice. She’ll do it by the way. www.marykay.ca/carolt or Facebook.com/caroltmk
When Carol and I were talking about our businesses, I told her how that ‘Lip Gloss Push’ had been so effective. Carol explained that by stating her goal in a way that was very clear, specific and manageable people were more than willing to help. In general, people do love to be a part of a success story. I agree.
Since my meeting with Carol, I have had this Lip Gloss idea rolling around in my head. I often need help for projects that I am working on. I am not afraid to ask for help. BUT I have never spent the time to really make my ‘ask’ something that is so manageable and so doable and so appreciated that people just want to hop on board.
In my business, I am constantly looking for new clients and for new contacts with businesses that can use my skill set. I do let people know, in a very general way, that I am doing this. However, never have I ever said, “I am looking to expand my business by 5 new clients by May, and by 3 new small coaching groups. Can you please help me by....” After talking with Carol, I know that by not doing this, I have reduced my chance of achieving my goal. Her little idea of reducing her goal to something that people can relate to and can help with, works. Plain and simple. If you cut up a project into tiny steps, tell people how they can help, and then take those steps one at a time, you will reach your goal.
This concept will work equally as well at home as it will in the work place. Imagine getting a big family dinner together for a special occasion (Easter anyone?). What if instead of asking for some help getting ready for the big dinner (too general), that you instead asked for people to help you with ten, 5-minute blocks of time. You could easily think of ten little five minute jobs that need doing and that would really help. Setting the table, peeling potatoes etc.
My hat is off to Carol. Her business is thriving. I must say here that a couple of other secrets to her success are her genuine commitment to customer service and her unflagging appreciation of everyone who helps her. She is not nagging people to help her. She makes the ask, encourages and then shows appreciation. It sure seems to be a great combination.
A great inquiry for you this week is “What is my Lip Gloss?”